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Submitted by Anonymous on ,

Identification keys and general biology are given in Danks (1971), Spradbery (1973), Richards (1980) Yeo & Corbet (1995) and Archer (2000).

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A small, black wasp superficially resembling Lindenius species, but with pronounced hairy eyes.

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The rarest of the British species of Gorytes.

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Despite this being a widespread species, there is little published on its ecology and ethology.

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The rarest of our four Nysson species, with British populations seemingly using a different host to those in Fennoscandia. It is similarly threatened in Germany.

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A species of Nysson that apparently has two hosts in this country and is sometimes easier to locate than its hosts.

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

Previously known as Pseudepipona tomentosus (Thomson, 1870). Identification keys and general biology are given in Spradbery (1973), Richards (1980), Yeo & Corbet (1995) and Archer (2000).

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