59 New species accounts added to the website

Submitted by Nigel Jones on

Species accounts for a further 59 species have been added to this website. These are the accounts published in Part 8 of the Provisional atlas of aculeate Hymenoptera of Britain and Ireland.


Species added are listed on the right.


Links to all the species accounts are here: https://www.bwars.com/index.php?q=species_list


Anteon fulviventre

Anteon jurineanum

Anteon pubicorne

Lasius flavus

Myrmica karavajevi

Myrmica specioides

Stenamma debile

Stenamma westwoodii

Priocnemis agilis

Priocnemis cordivalvata

Priocnemis exaltata

Priocnemis fennica

Trypoxylon attenuatum

Trypoxylon clavicerum

Trypoxylon figulus

Trypoxylon medium

Trypoxylon minus

Crossocerus palmipes

Pemphredon lugubris

Pemphredon austriaca

Pemphredon inornata

Pemphredon lethifer

Pemphredon morio

Hylaeus communis

Hylaeus signatus

Andrena helvola

Andrena synadelpha

Andrena varians

Andrena trimmerana

Andrena ruficrus

Andrena nigriceps

Andrena bimaculata

Andrena nigrospina

Andrena pilipes

Andrena fulvago

Andrena humilis

Andrena niveata

Andrena ovatula

Andrena similis

Andrena wilkella

Lasioglossum parvulum

Lasioglossum punctatissimum

Sphecodes pellucidus

Sphecodes puncticeps

Dufourea halictula

Dufourea minuta

Megachile centuncularis

Megachile ligniseca

Megachile versicolor

Megachile willughbiella

Coelioxys elongata

Coelioxys inermis

Coelioxys mandibularis

Coelioxys rufescens

Nomada fulvicornis

Nomada integra

Nomada marshamella

Nomada panzeri

Nomada striata

The bumblebees of Kent - published.

Submitted by Nigel Jones on

Kent Field Club have published the Bumblebees of Kent by Nikki Gammans and Geoff Allan.  The 170 pages include more than 80 colour photographs and updated distribution maps and species profiles of the bumblebees of Kent.  This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide to bumblebee ecology and offers an inclusive introduction to their identification.  It discusses the importance of bumblebees, their decline and how we can help reverse this.


Andrena vaga in mainland Britain

Submitted by Nigel Jones on

Andrena vaga, a widespread black and greyish-white mining bee in continental Europe, has recently been found at two locations on the south coast of England - at Dungeness, Kent and Brownwich Cliff, Hampshire. This species could easily be overlooked as it is similar to the widespread A. cineraria, (especially the males) so do be on the look out for this striking Andrena bee in the coming weeks, particularly in southern England.

Above: Female A. vaga at Dungeness, Kent. Photo by Roger Tidman

Below: Female A. cineraria. Photo by Jeremy Early