Species Gallery - image displaying in the wrong place on the page

This note from John vanBreda relates to an issue whereby a single image of a Bombus (see screengrab below) was displaying in the species gallery outside the taxonomic hierarchy:

That had me confused for a while as well. Here’s how I found it. If you click on Content management > Taxonomy > List, this shows you the “taxonomies” that are  loaded into Drupal. These are taxonomies in the linguistic sense not biological – i.e. hierarchies of terms, but in our case we of course use one to drive the hierarchy of the Species gallery tool.

Click on “list terms” for the taxonomic hierarchy vocabulary.

Scroll down and find the Bee entry and click on it. This shows you an auto-generated Drupal page which lists all the content tagged with Bee.

You can see the image, click on the title to view the image’s page,

then click Edit. You can then see that the taxonomic hierarchy is set to just Bee – either correct this to add it back to the B. cryptarum page, or delete the whole image page to remove it completely.